Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Benefits from the ecosystem

People get from the ecosystem natural resources such as grasslands, forests, marine and freshwater ecosystem. And these resource are beneficial for people's lives.
Almost up to 40 percent of the earth's surface is covered by grasslands which gives economic benefits. In grassland, people can keep livestock such as cows, horses, sheep, goat, donkeys and etc. Milk cows provide milk to people, and this industry is economically beneficial. Also, grassland is good for travel industry. People do tour grasslands and they ride horses which make horse owners to make money.

Marine and freshwater is one of benefits from the ecosystem. Japan is surrounded by water on three sides. Therefore, Japanese fishing industry is huge. In the Japanese marine, a variety of fishes are caught and these are consumed not only in Japan but also they import to other countries.Not only that, this Japanese huge fish industry gives job opportunities to Indonesia. According to the news article, it says "As the new century dawned, there was a surge in the number of Indonesians flocking to Japan to work in the fishing industry. This was attributed in part to a scarcity of jobs back home after the financial meltdown that ripped through Asia in 1997 and 1998‪"(FUSAKO GO).

Japan is famous for its hot spring which is freshwater. People love to do bath in hot spring and this is one of Japanese culture that people enjoy. Of course, there are many inns in Japan which have spacious hot spring bath tub and sometimes it is called just "Guest House". Japan earns a large amount of money from this travel industry. The news article says "After being introduced as the exclusive luxury train in Japan, the tickets sold out immediately, and the US tourism industry was already eager to find out the ticket sales schedule for the US market in 2014. “The new luxury train is extremely interesting and perfect for the US luxury travelers, and we would love to get booking information for 2014,” says Ms. Victoria Hiller, the general manager of Remote Land, who attended the event(Akashi, Nori). Therefore,‪ it is also popular to tourists from U.S.
Grassland in Japan, Kusasenri-aso, Japan. Personal photograph by author. 2012

Marine and freshwater, Fukushima sea, Japan. Personal phtograph by author. 2010

Soaking up Japan's Hot Springsby Rachel Farnay, photos Anatol Filin.

People can benefit from this ecosystem by using the softwood of the coniferous forest trees for house foundations, building material, wooden coffins and wooden bathtubs (Andersson, 2005). Besides, there is a large national park, Daisetsuzan National Park, in this area. It is a famous place to visit for its spectacular view. Every year, there are tourists from different nations come and visit this park to see the God-given view.

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